Sat, Oct 14
|West Windsor Township
真正的成功:培育能在充满挑战的世界里健康向上的孩子 特邀演讲嘉宾: 宾大医学院儿科教授Kenneth Ginsburg
Time & Location
Oct 14, 2017, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
West Windsor Township, 99 Clarksville Rd, West Windsor Township, NJ 08550, USA
About the Event
宾大医学院儿科教授Kenneth Ginsburg,专长于青少年行为和心理健康, Boys & Girls Clubs of America的韧性专家,曾获多个奖项并出版多部专著,包括在美国儿科学会出版的《Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings》和《Raising Kids to Thrive: Balancing Love With Expectations and Protection With Trust》。他的临诊实践、教学、科研、以及社会活动都围绕着一个统一的主题:通过提高青少年的内在韧性来打造他们的强项。他致力于将研究和临诊中所获知的东西尽可能转化为日常实践中的方法,以便让父母, 专业人士、和社区来培养孩子的韧性。
我们鼓励青少年与他们的父母一起参加本次研讨会, 这样更有助于父母和孩子共同的有效学习和提高。
Conference Agenda * 12:30 pm - 01:00 pm Registration and Networking * 01:00 pm - 01:15 pm Opening Remarks * 01:15 pm - 03:15 pm Keynote Speech * 03:15 pm - 03:30 pm Book Signing/Break * 03:30 pm - 05:00 pm Fishbowl Forum 青少年实话实说
Fishbowl Forum participants (teenagers and recent graduates):
Emily Wei is a 7th grader at John Adams Middle School in New Jersey. She is a music enthusiast and plays the oboe & the piano. Emily also loves photography, art, volleyball, and loves traveling to different places to experience different cultures. As a daily routine, she likes to read and listens to classical music. In her free time, Emily likes to collect CDs and stuffed animals, especially cats. Emily's favorite subject in school is math and hopes to work in financial industry one day.
Hanbo Liu is a pianist and singer-songwriter, graduated from the Juilliard School in New York City with a Master Degree in Piano. Hanbo has performed extensively including the United Nations Assembly Hall, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, Hong Kong TVB, China Central TV, and Beijing Olympic Water Cube National Aquatics Center.
Joy Gu is a 9th grader at Marshall high school in Virginia. She enjoys all of her classes and is an active participant in all of them. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and playing volleyball. She plays volleyball on her high school team and is part of the film club. She currently wants to be a writer, producer, or director for film and television.
Kevin Yu is a 7th grader at Woodrow Willson Middle School in Edison, NJ. He is 12 years old and likes circuiting, computer programming, drawing, taekwondo and cross-country. Kevin started taekwondo training when he was five, and he is now a third degree black belt, helping the teacher instruct younger children in the taekwondo leadership program. He attended the Yinghua in Beijing summer program this year, and says that it was the most inspirational month of his life, and that during this experience, he became a whole different person. He loves the experience and hopes to come back next year as an even better person than when he left.
Marjorie Wang is a recent graduate of New York University Shanghai, where she received a major in Interactive Media Arts, with a focus on virtual and augmented reality. In the past year, she founded intern019, an emerging media art collective, spoke about being a student technical artist at Unite 2017, the largest Unity conference in Asia, and exhibited "The Hell Bank Corporation", an interactive installation at the TongJi Museum.
Merrick Liu is an 8th grader at Pennington School. He is active and social at school and has many friends. He enjoys hanging out with friends. He likes all of his classes but started to take academic grade seriously this semester. In his spare time, he plays soccer, watches youtube, and plays the piano. Soccer is his most favorite activity. He has been on a travel soccer team since he was eight and is the best defender in his team. Currently, he wants to be a professional soccer player or an investor.
Nathan Yu (于亮) is currently a high school junior at The Hun School of Princeton (普林斯顿翰校). After attending the seventh grade at Montgomery, Nathan studied at Beijing New Talent Academy in China (北京新英才学校), where he was an oversea boarding student for two years. Nathan enjoys STEM-related activities, including robotics, biomedical research, and videogames. He also enjoys leisure reading, a cappella singing, and fencing.
Raymond Zhao is a Senior from Upper Dublin Highschool. He is the Troop ASPL of Troop 542, and is currently a member of the Speech and Debate team. He also participated in his TedX talk at Upper Dublin High School. His favorite subjects are English and Social Studies. Also a fan of the Geosciences. Does not like math and other sciences that much. Throughout his life, Raymond has always enjoyed psychology, philosophy, and public speaking.
Seehanah Tang is a freshman at Holmdel High School. She is a member of her school''''s cross country team. Last spring semester, Seehanah studied abroad in China at a local school. She plays the flute and piano. She has been with the Bravura Youth Orchestra since 2014 and was on a concert tour in Russia with her orchestra this past summer. In her spare time, Seehanah enjoys reading.
Fishbowl Forum moderators:
Bonnie Liao (廖冰) is the founder of two nonprofit schools and two nonprofit summer programs. She has served as the Board Chair for three years while attempting to establish a mandarin-immersion charter school, PIACS (Princeton International Academy Charter School). She has also served as the director for HXGNY (HuaXia of Greater New York) Chinese School and PKUAA-GNY (Peking University Alumni Association of Greater New York) and general advisor for PCE (Parents & Children Education) Club, a parenting group in New Jersey. Bonnie has been giving EQ Parenting talks and conduct youth leadership training nationwide. Her professional interests are mental & behavioral health for youth and families. A graduate of Peking University, Bonnie has a Ph.D degree in Physics from University of Houston and an MBA in Finance and Managing Information System from Rutgers University.
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