PCE Club - 148th Monthly Event EQ Parenting:Siblings without Rivalry How to He
第一百四十八 期活动
新泽西华人福音会 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
时光荏苒, 浅夏将至,在这个最美的四月, PCE俱乐部与您相约,大家一起来探讨,如何引导孩子们建立健康有爱的手足之情。作为子女人生中的第一位启蒙老师,父母们一方面要面对工作和生活带来的各种压力,另一方面还要帮孩子处理各种手足纷争。今晚欢迎父母们共同探讨如何引导孩子们摸索出一条适合自己家庭的兄弟姐妹相处之道。
如果您家里有,或者计划两个以及两个以上的孩子, 那么期待您能加入我们的交流讨论中来。期望每次的分享,都能帮到您和您的家庭,让您的生活更加和睦幸福。
赵仲宜,新州英华国际双语学校校长,全职长期工作在教育岗位第一线,不仅是PCE俱乐部多年的基石和支柱,更是子女情商教育的倡导者和领军人。曾多次成功担任PCE月会和年会''''青少年实话实说专题''''主持人。 两个孩子的妈妈, 以促进亲子关系和谐融洽为己任。全职专注于英华国际学校负责教务管理工作,兼职PCE年会青少年话题主持人,业余爱心投入慈济基金会义工工作。
徐蕾,毕业于西安交大,1999年来美,任职于纽约某知名银行IT部门Senior Architect。6年前加入PCE俱乐部,接触以情商为基础的教育理念,思维敏捷,文笔优美,成为PCE资深会员和主持者。两三年前,母女冲突偃旗息鼓之时,手足之争又硝烟四起。加入PCE俱乐部指点迷津的同时,灵活运用情商教育理念自醒自救成功。她将分享从山穷水尽到柳暗花明的心历路程。她的育儿格言是:"育儿即是育己,成长就是成功。"
时间: 2016年4月23日星期六,傍晚 6:00点至9点
6:00 - 7:00pm 活动时间:
家庭Zumba。 由 club 青少年成员 Billy Liu (刘敬华) 带领跳舞。Billy 曾获2011年 Summer Sizzling latin youth competition Jive, chacha,青少年第一名。2012年 American Ball competition Latin junior I Sumba, Jive, Rumba 第一名。
小孩才艺表演, 欢迎您的孩子表演他们的才艺,请预先注册、请准时。
7:00 - 9:00pm: 讲座与讨论。(有儿童托管, 费用是每家$5. 欢迎您的孩子报名参加各项活动俱乐部包括儿童手工,儿童中文电影, 国际象棋,打乒乓,读书会。)
地点: 新泽西华人福音会 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
活动组织者: Katie Li, Lily Liu, Amy Liu
联系人:May Huang (***-***-9579, mayhuang97@yahoo.com); Min Xu (***-***-8007, mingxuhomes@yahoo.com )
The PCE Club presents the 148th Monthly Event:
Siblings without Rivalry
How to Help Your Children Become Cooperative, Caring, and Compassionate
Chinese Evangel Mission Church of New Jersey 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Welcome to the wonderful world of sibling relationships during the beautiful spring. Tonight our guest speakers, Joy and Lei are going to present an interesting and practical seminar regarding siblings without rivalry detailed as the following topics.
Compare and Contrast the similarity and distinction of parenting theory and methods between the immigrants of the first generation like us and our parents' generation based on the awareness and social background.
"Kids can learn from squabbling," says Katz, president of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. "How to defend themselves, how to cope with anger." How to help our children become Cooperative, Caring, and Compassionate? How to inspire and nurture the children to stop the squabbling and cope with the problems and anger? Successful case study and personal experience and scenarios will be shared and discussed with the audience.
Combining with PCE EQ parenting theory, our speakers will state and share how and when to intervene in fights, provide suggestions on how to help children channel their hostility into creative outlets, and demonstrate how to treat children unequally and still be fair.
Qs & As. Discussion to the specific examples of sibling rivalry, practical and reliable solutions for sibling rivalry will be explored and welcomed from the audience. All in all, EQ parenting plays important roles during our parenting journey.
We sincerely expect our seminar will provide parents the practical methods they need to cope with conflict, encourage cooperation, reduce competition, and make it possible for children to experience the joys of their special relationship.
About the Speaker:
Joy Zhao full time works and teaches at NJ YingHua International School, the exclusive private bilingual school on the east coast combining Chinese immersion education with the inquiry-based curriculum framework (www.yhis.org). She is also a senior Hostess for PCE :Talk with Youth and Teenagers Seminar" at PCE Annual Conference. Joy has been an active volunteer at Tzu Chi Foundation, a charity organization for over 10 years. A mother of two, a 16-year old girl and 11-year old boy, with whom she enjoys a close and happy relationship.
Lei Xu, graduated from Xi''''an Jiaotong University, now works as senior software architect in FHLBNY Bank. She has two daughters, one is 9 and the other is 6. She joined PCE 6 years back and benefited greatly from EQ parenting since then. She will share how EQ parenting theory facilitated and changed her relationship with her daughters and how the relationship between her two daughters is getting better. Her parenting motto is "Raising kids is raising ourselves; a growth mindset is a beautiful mindset".
When: April 23, 2016 Saturday, from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
6:00pm - 7:00pm:
Family Zumba session. led by club teenager member Billy Liu (刘敬华). Billy has won 2011 Summer Sizzling latin youth competition Jive, chacha, first place. 2012 American Ball competition Latin jun-ior I Sumba, Jive, Rumba first place.
Children's Talent Show;
7:00pm - 9:00pm: presentation (Childcare available, kids activities include: Arts & Craft, kids movie, Chess club, PingPong club, book club, cost is $5 per family)
Where: Chinese Evangel Mission Church of New Jersey 11 Lexington Ave., East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Free for PCE club members. $12 per non-member family. Courtesy childcare is available
Event Organizer: Katie Li, Lily Liu, Amy Liu
Contact: May Huang (***-***-9579, mayhuang97@yahoo.com); Min Xu (***-***-8007, mingxuhomes@yahoo.com )