PCE Club - CAP2006
The PCE Club's CAP 2006 conference will be held on Saturday September 9, 2006 at Clarion Hotel, Edison, NJ.�The theme of the CAP 2006 is �Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child�
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is dealing with how well an individual manages their emotions, demonstrates empathy to others and rebounds from difficult situations. Studies in recent years have consistently demonstrated that a high EQ correlates strongly with success in school, job and personal life. Though the Emotional Intelligence can be trained through out our lifetime, early age is extremely important time period for one�s EQ development.
CAP 2006 will extensively discuss the Children�s EQ Development in many aspects and will definitely benefit both children and parent on their personal successes. It will feature a keynote speech by a famous author/speaker Dr. Steven Tobias on �Emotionally Intelligent Parenting�, "Fish Bowl" forum with Teenagers, and four tracks of discussions on Special Children Needs, EQ Coach, Multi Culture and Leadership around the main EQ theme. The conference will be offered free to the PCE Club members.
2055 Route 27 Clarion Hotel, Edison, NJ 08817
Q&A by Webmaster - Simon Wang at simonxinwang @ yahoo.com
Info Contacts:
Cindy Yu at ***-***-3130, Yingting Zhang at ***-***-7731, Wei Tang at ***-***-5849, Yixin Zhang at ***-***-2786, Cathay Wang at ***-***-3128, James Gao at ***-***-2025, Linda Niu at ***-***-1804
General Admission Fees:
Day Session: $10 pre-registration and $15 for on-site registration / Member FREE and membership card required
Dinner Session: $35 per person/ Volunteers, Speakers, Sponsors FREE
Please make check payable to "PCE Club" and send it to 8 Azalea ct, E Brunswick, NJ 08816 or please use PayPal on www.pceclub.org
Note: There is no on-site babysitter available.
Pre-Conference Sessions/Registration (10:00 am �1:00pm)
10:00 am � 12:00 amCurrent and Future College Admissions Trend and How It Will Affect Asian ApplicantsChen Zhang
12:00 am � 1:00pmRegistration/Lunch / Social PCE Club
Conference Main Sessions (1:00pm - 4:30pm) - Windsor Ball Room
12:30pm - 1:00pm Conference Sitting Start
1:00pm - 1:15 pmOpening RemarksPCE/Duowei
1:15 pm - 3:00pmKeynote Speech - �Emotionally Intelligent Parenting�Dr. Steven Tobias
3:00pm - 4:30pmFishbowl Forum (实话实说) (13-20 yrs old youth speakers, experienced parents) with SunnyYingting Zhang
Conference Workshop Sessions (4:30pm - 6:00pm)
Track OneEvery kid is special - overcome the culture barriers when dealing with your kids' special needSandra Liu etc
Track Two Becoming Your Child's Emotion Coach.Bonnie Liao.
Track Three Multiple Culture Education Seema Singh
Track Four EQ Education & LeadershipDaniel Di
Dinner Sessions (6:30pm - 8:30pm) � Windsor Ball Room
6:30pm �8:30pmDinner with Speakers and Organizers
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Steven Tobias
Steven Tobias, Psy.D, the "Emotionally Intelligent Parenting Doctors" and coauthors of the recently released Emotionally Intelligent Parenting. Dr. Tobias is director of the Center for Child and Family Development, a multidisciplinary evaluation and treatment facility in Morristown, New Jersey, and coauthor of several books on facilitating emotional intelligence and social skills. He has coauthored several books. Dr. Tobias's areas of expertise include the social and emotional development of children, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, diagnosis of learning disabilities, and parenting. He conducts training workshops for parents and professionals and serves as a consultant to schools throughout NJ. Dr. Tobias has spoken at numerous national and international conferences.
Dr. Steven E. Tobias's keynote address, "Emotionally Intelligent Parenting", will focus on some of the key skills we need to teach our children, such as awareness of feelings, empathy, and self-discipline. These are the skills necessary to raise responsible and caring individuals with the ability to form positive social relationships. However, society often makes teaching these skills and the values that go along with them difficult. Strategies for teaching skills and reinforcing values will be introduced.
Fishbowl Forum Host: Ms. Sunny Wang
Ms. Sunny Wang is a famous author on teenager education.
Track 1 Leader � Ms. Sandra Liu etc
Sandra (Xiangqun) Lin � A senior technical specialist working on network and service architecture in AT&Y lab. A mother of two daughters, 6 � and 5 years old. She got her BS degree in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and MS in EE from New Jersey Institute of Technologies. She started to volunteer in PCE club since 2005 and is now an active member in its online forum exchanging parenting tips with others. She had personal experience using professional help in assisting her daughter to successfully overcome emotional issues encountered, and would really love to encourage all parents to overcome cultural barrier when dealing with kid�s special need.. A devoted mother, a diligent engineer, an educator in heart and a business woman, she is now living in East Brunswick with her husband, Xinyu Huang, and two daughters, Eileen Huang and Alice Huang.
Track 2 Leader - Dr. Bonnie Liao
Bonnie Liao, an undergraduate from Peking University, received her doctoral degree in Physics from University of Houston in 1991 and an MBA from Rutgers University concentrated in both Finance and Computer & Information Systems. She is working in the Management Science department of Merrill Lynch providing high-end statistical and mathematical modeling to support the corporate strategic planning and decision-making process. She founded YingHua Language School in May 2002 and has been its Principal and the key contributor for the "YingHua Tan" column. She is the General Advisor of PCE Club and has led several forums and seminars on parenting issues. During October 2004 and February 2006, she was the monthly guest speaker at "Voice of America - Youth & Campus" discussing parenting related topics.
Track 3 Leader � Ms. Seema Singh
Seema M. Singh, Esq., is the Rate Counsel for the Division of Rate Counsel under the Department of the Public Advocate. She represents and advocates for the state�s consumers in all utility matters involving the electric, natural gas, telecommunications, cable television and water industries, and insurance matters at both the state and federal level. As Rate Counsel, Ms. Singh also participates on behalf of consumers when long-range energy, water and telecommunications policies are decided. Ms. Singh is currently the President of the Asian Indian Chamber of Commerce; Board Member of the National Conference for Community & Justice (NCCJ). She has been appointed to the Board of Visitors of New Jersey Institute of Technology (�NJIT�). Ms. Singh also serves as a board member to Cathedral Healthcare System � an affiliate of Catholic Health and Human Services Corporation. She was also the past President of the Rotary International Club of Plainsboro; a founding member of the Hindu International Council Against Defamation; Past Counsel to the Federation of Indian Associations; the Board of Directors of Delaware Valley Girl Scouts; a member of the Asian Indian Women�s Association; a member of the Women Lawyers Committee of the Mercer County Bar Association and a member of the Public Utility Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Association. She also participated on the Mercer County Inns of Court etc.
Track 4 Leader � Mr. Daniel Di
Dan is partner of Vincogen Corporation, a Biotech and RFID Biochip company in New Jersey Technology Center�s Commercialization Center for Innovative Technologies. His focus is on Entrepreneurial Management and Finance. Previously Vice President of Foxconn and Director of Lucent Technologies, he is currently in Wharton and Penn Engineering�s Executive Master in Technology Management / Engineering MBA program from U. Penn. His BS in Electrical Engineering from NTUT and MS in Computer Science from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. He also studied Doctoral Program from Louisiana Tech University in Electrical Engineering. He is Leadership New Jersey Class 2006 Fellow, and has been active in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundations Giving Committee.
PCE Club Food Drive: PCE will set up Community Food Drive onsite to benefit M.C.F.O.O.D.S that server over 60 local food pantries and soup kitchens each week. Please bring any canned or packaged goods to support. --怎样培养和提高孩子情商
教育专家们经常倡导父母应该注意培养高智商,高情商的孩子.我们都熟悉高智商是什么意思. 可是高情商呢?
往往,作父母的都期望, 自己的孩子能在危机和竞争面前从容不迫,冷静思考,知道什么是正确的决定. 其实, 这就是一个很好的高情商的例子. 高情商的翻译出自英文Emotional Intelligence. 能够感觉自己的感情变化,并能控制和处理这种变化需要智慧. 孩子的判断和控制能力就是这种智慧的表现. 专家学者的研究证明 - 孩子将来的幸福和成功之路有很大一部分是由孩子情商的高低来决定的.
那么,我们这些做父母的﹐如何在价值观和东西方文化的冲击中帮孩子成长为高智商,高情商的人创造一个适合他们生长的环境呢?您如果是一个成功的父母,那您的教育心得是什么?如果您认为自己是一个失败的父母,那从您的失败的教訓中有什么值得让其他父母借鉴的呢?如何才能给我们的孩子的情商发展创造机会呢?当你,配偶和孩子有冲突的时候,如何在孩子面前正确处理?你有没有意识到孩子正通过观察你的言行来发展情商? 作父母,是不是也需要通过进一步提高自己的情商来帮助孩子呢? �� 太多的话题需要探討。为了进一步深入探讨这个课题,父母子女教育俱乐部与多维时报共同协力,正在筹备召开第三届华人子女教育研讨会,会议的主题就是�怎样培养和提高孩子情商�, 目的在于让我们的华人家庭来参与对子女教育的探讨,为孩子们的健康发展提供一个参考,也让我们的华人家庭有机会学习一些有效的子女教育的方法,以及分享成功的经验,避免再重复走失败的路。更重要的是来听听大会主讲 - 孩子情商培养专家的建议和指导. 大会召开时间:2006年9月9日星期六;地点:Clarion Hotel at Edison Square, 2055 Lincoln Highway, Edison, NJ 08817. 联络人:Wei Tang: ***-***-5849; Cindy Yu ***-***-3130; 张颖婷***-***-7731; 牛新莉 ***-***-8066。我们欢迎社区其他社团积极参与此次活动,更欢迎商家及各人能够积极赞助这次非常有意义的活动。